BUBBLE. Best comics from Russia (ENG)

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BUBBLE Comics, Russian first and only major comic book company, proudly presents: an all-new collection featuring six amazing stories about the exciting adventures of the best and most popular Russian heroes. Allies, a tale of a former superspy who has lost everything she had — and now fighting against a mighty corporation. Demonslayer, an epic story about the most powerful superhero in the entire universe, who is destined to fight demons from the deepest parts of Hell. Igor Grom, a detective thriller starring a former police officer who gave up his will and sanity to protect his home — the city of St. Petersburg. Realmwalkers, a saga of three remarkable warriors who save our dimension from evil gods and even have time to make jokes about it. Exlibrium, a fantasy adventure about an ordinary Moscow teenager, who has suddenly found out that book characters can invade our world. And Meteora, a space opera about a group of a fearless Earthborn smuggler and her alien friends who always find themselves in trouble — and somehow, always get away with it. This book is the best representation of what Russian comics are — an astonishing combination of unique art, great characters, and simply good stories — don't miss your chance to get it! To deliver this book to any country except Russia write us on help@bubble.ru.

Формат: 160 х 245
Дата выхода: 29.06.2018


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